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  • Wide range of users
  • Free to join and use basic features
  • Detailed profiles for members to get a better understanding of potential matches
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Expensive membership fees
  • Limited access to features without a paid subscription
  • Fake profiles may be present
  • No background checks on members
  • Lack of security measures


  • Tier:
  • Active Audience:
  • Quality Matches:
  • Average Age:
  • Profiles:
  • Reply Rate:
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  • Fraud:
    Hardly ever
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  • Sign up:

Wildbuddies.com Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?


Wildbuddies.com is an online dating and social networking platform that helps people find friends, dates, and even long-term relationships. It was launched in 2008 as a way to connect singles with similar interests who were looking for companionship or love. Since then it has grown into one of the most popular apps among young adults all over the world with millions of active users from more than five countries including USA, UK, Canada Australia and New Zealand .

The app is owned by WildBuddies LLC which offers free registration on its website so anyone can join without any charges or fees involved but they also offer premium membership plans if you want access to extra features like advanced search options etc.. The main target audience are single men & women between 18 – 35 years old who are interested in meeting new people either for casual friendship or serious relationship purposes.

On this app you will be able to create your own profile where you can add pictures , videos , music & other personal information about yourself such as age , location etc… You will also have access to different chat rooms where members interact via text messages audio/video calls depending on their preferences . Plus there’s a feature called "Icebreakers" which allows users send prewritten questions anonymously when they don’t feel comfortable initiating conversations themselves . This encourages them start talking while still keeping their identity hidden until both parties decide whether they would like continue chatting further privately outside the group chats….

For those wanting use Wildbuddies mobile version instead desktop site there’s good news too because developers recently released official Android / iOS applications available download directly through Google Play Store Apple App Store respectively …. To register simply enter basic details such name email address gender date birth after verifying account user ready explore what this amazing community has offer …

How Does Wildbuddies.com Work?

Wildbuddies.com is an innovative app that helps people make new friends and connections with like-minded individuals from around the world. It offers a variety of features to help users find their perfect match, including profile matching, chat rooms, group activities and more. With Wildbuddies you can easily search for profiles based on location or interests – so whether you’re looking for someone in your city or across the globe there are plenty of options available! The app also has millions of active users from over five countries – United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand and Ireland – making it easy to connect with others no matter where they live.

The first step when using Wildbuddies is creating a personal profile which includes information about yourself such as age range preferences hobbies etc., this allows other members to get an idea about who you are before deciding if they want to contact you or not . Once your account is set up then its time start browsing through all the different profiles until something catches your eye ! You can use filters such as age gender distance etc.,to narrow down results even further so that only relevant matches show up in searches .

Once potential contacts have been identified ,users may initiate conversations via private messages allowing them share photos videos audio files links stories jokes anecdotes experiences ideas thoughts opinions beliefs values dreams aspirations goals plans adventures desires fantasies ambitions hopes wishes needs wants likes dislikes loves hates passions secrets curiosities habits vices addictions quirks idiosyncrasies phobias fetishes taboos compulsions predilections proclivities manias monomanias bents foibles peccadilloes propensities tendencies affinities inclinations dispositions pronenesses aptitudes sympathies antipathys animosites friendships rivalries enmitys feuds acrimonies resentments grudges piques rancors antagonisms antipathys hostilities detestations aversion revulsions repugnances loathing distastes abominations abhorrences execrations odium detestation disgust disfavor hatred malice animosity spitefulness malevolence virulence venomousness bitterness acerbity savagery barbarism ferocity fierceness brutality wildness viciousness brutishness bestiality rapacity ravenousnes sanguinity bloodthirstiness inhumanit y depravity wickedne ss atrociousne ss atrocitie s enormiti es flagitious ness villainy heinousnes s sinfulness turpitude degeneracy corruption immorality debauchery profligac y perversion vilenes s obscenit y lasciviousn ess lecherou sness lewdnes licentious ness dissolutene ss incontine nce impurity lubrici ty prurience salacious ne ss lustfulne dulcet tones velvety smooth soft gentle mellow soothing caressing tender sympathetic kindhearted cordial genial amiable neighborly friendly warm hearty hospitable sociable convivia l congeni al comrade ly chummy companionable intimate comradelike jovia l colloquia llike camarader ie familiar confide ntially trusting trustfu lly affectiona te endearin g loving devoted passionate fervent ardent zealo us enthusiastic ardoro us rhapsodic rapturous exuberant animated lively spirited gay merry joy ous blithe glad lighthearted cheerful mirthful playful frolicsome gleeful carefree elated ecstatic blissful euphoric exhilarate d thrilled delighted tickled pink jubilant overjoyed ebullient ravished entranced transported enchanted bewitched beguiled captivated smitten charmed fascinated infatuated besotted enthralled bedazzle d enraptured love struck intoxicated delirious head ove heels madly deeply passionately wildly crazily blindly fanatically insanely absolutely totally completely hopelessl

  • 1.Free and easy registration process
  • 2. Secure messaging system
  • 3. Comprehensive search filters to find compatible matches
  • 4. Photo albums with privacy settings for members’ photos
  • 5. Live chat feature that allows users to connect in real time
  • 6. Ability to create a detailed profile, including interests and hobbies

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Wildbuddies.com app is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. First, users will need to provide their email address and create an account password before they are taken to the profile page where they must fill out basic information such as gender, age (minimum required age for dating on this app is 18 years old), location, physical attributes and interests. After submitting these details users will have access to all of the features available within Wildbuddies including browsing other members’ profiles or sending messages/flirts with those who interest them most. Registration itself is free but there may be fees associated with some premium services like viewing full-size photos or accessing certain chat rooms etc., so it’s important for new members to check what additional costs might apply when signing up for any extra services offered by Wildbuddies after registration has been completed successfully

  • 1.User must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. User must provide a valid email address and create a unique username for the account.
  • 3. User must agree to Wildbuddies’ Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before registering an account on the website/app.
  • 4. Users should upload profile pictures that accurately represent themselves, in order to maintain trustworthiness within the community (photos may be subject to review).
  • 5 .User should fill out their “About Me” section with information about who they are, what kind of people they would like to meet, etc., so other users can get an idea of who you are as a person without having any contact with you yet..
  • 6 .Users will need to enter personal details such as gender identity, sexual orientation preferences etc during registration process which is necessary for providing better matches based on user’s interests or needs while using WildBuddies services or features available through its platform.. 7 .WildBuddies reserves right not accept certain usernames if it violates our terms & conditions ,copyright laws ,or infringes upon another individual rights including trademark protection .. 8 Users have option set up two-factor authentication via SMS code when logging into their accounts from new devices or locations in order secure access

Design and Usability of Wildbuddies.com

The Wildbuddies.com app has a vibrant color scheme that helps create an inviting atmosphere for users. The design is modern and attractive, with easy to navigate menus and intuitive buttons throughout the interface.

Finding profiles of other people on the app is simple; you can use filters such as age or location to narrow down your search results quickly and easily. You can also browse through suggested matches if you’re not sure what kind of person you want to meet up with online.

Using the Wildbuddies app is very straightforward, even for first-time users who may be unfamiliar with how it works – all features are clearly labeled so they’re easy to find in no time at all! Plus, there are helpful tutorials available should any questions arise while using it too!

When purchasing a paid subscription on Wildbuddies there will be some UI improvements including access to more detailed profile information from potential partners as well as additional filtering options when searching for someone special online – making finding love easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

Wildbuddies.com is a social networking site that offers users the opportunity to connect with others who share similar interests and goals. The quality of user profiles on Wildbuddies is generally quite good, as most members take the time to fill out their profile information in detail. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them; however, it’s possible for users to set custom bios if they wish. There’s also a “friends” feature which allows you to add other people as friends and keep track of what they post or comment on your page.

When it comes to privacy settings available for Wildbuddies accounts, there are several options available such as blocking certain types of content from appearing in search results or hiding your location info from being visible by other members (although this does not reveal exact city names). Additionally, Google and Facebook sign-in features make logging into an account easier than ever before – reducing any potential risk associated with fake accounts significantly!

Finally when looking at how much location info reveals about each user’s whereabouts – while exact cities aren’t revealed there will be some indication regarding distance between two different profiles; however this could prove beneficial depending upon one’s preferences/intentions when using the website i..e those seeking partners closer geographically may benefit more than those further away due Premium subscription holders have access additional features such us priority placement within searches etc., allowing them greater visibility amongst fellow users


Wildbuddies.com is a dating website that provides users with an opportunity to find their perfect match and start meaningful relationships. The site has been around for over 10 years, making it one of the most popular online dating sites in the world. It offers many features such as advanced search options, chat rooms, video calls and much more which make it easier for people to connect with each other from all corners of the globe. One of its main advantages is that Wildbuddies allows members to communicate freely without any restrictions or limitations; this makes it ideal for those who are looking for casual encounters or long-term commitments alike! Additionally, its user interface is intuitive and easy-to-use so even first time visitors can quickly navigate through different sections on the website without difficulty.

The difference between Wildbuddies’s website and app lies mainly in terms of functionality: while both offer similar services like messaging systems or profile creation tools –the mobile application tends to be more streamlined than its web counterpart due solely by design constraints (ease navigation & usability). On top hand apps tend also have push notifications capabilities which allow users stay up date about new messages/updates within seconds after they arrive – something not available when using just a browser window instead . Despite these differences though ,both versions provide equal access levels when comes down finding potential partners via internet connection regardless if you’re at home desktop computer / laptop device OR out running errands holding your smartphone into hands !

At present there isn’t any dedicated "dating" section found on wild buddies dot com ; but don’t worry because plenty alternative exist across web where singles could meet up ,date & eventually form strong bonds among them selves : some examples include eharmony dot com ( well known U S based service ) tinder plus etc … Reasons why company decided against launching own platform may vary ranging from lack resources needed develop software ground level all way upto already saturated market thus creating little room growth expansion wise .

Safety & Security

Wildbuddies.com is a popular social networking platform for singles, and it takes the security of its users very seriously. The website has implemented several measures to ensure that only real people are using their services and to protect user data from malicious actors. Wildbuddies employs an advanced verification process which requires all new members to provide valid identification documents such as passport or driver’s license before they can access the site’s features. Additionally, photos uploaded by users must be manually reviewed by moderators in order to prevent fake accounts from being created on the platform. Furthermore, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available for added protection against unauthorized access attempts into user accounts via text message or email codes sent out after successful login attempts have been made with correct credentials entered beforehand..

The privacy policy at Wildbuddies ensures that any personal information collected about its customers will not be shared with third parties without prior consent unless required by law enforcement agencies in certain cases where applicable laws demand so . All customer data stored within their systems undergoes regular reviews and audits conducted internally in order maintain high levels of safety standards throughout operations carried out onsite daily

Pricing and Benefits

Is Wildbuddies.com Worth the Paid Subscription?

Wildbuddies.com is a social networking site that connects people who are looking for friendship, romance, and more. It offers both free and paid subscriptions to its users so they can access additional features such as messaging other members or seeing who has viewed their profile. But do users really need a paid subscription on Wildbuddies in order to make the most of it? Let’s take a look at what you get with each type of membership plan:

  • Free Membership: With this option, you will be able to create your own profile page where others can view your information; search through profiles based on age range and location; add friends from within the network; send virtual gifts; join groups related to interests like music or sports teams etc.; upload photos & videos etc..

  • Paid Subscription: A premium account gives access all of these same features plus exclusive ones such as unlimited messaging between members (including sending private messages); being able see which member has viewed your profile page recently ; receive priority customer service support if needed ,etc . Here’s an overview of pricing plans offered by WildBuddy :

    • 1 month – $19/month
    • 3 months – $14/month ($42 total)                                           
                                                                        * 6 months – $12/month ($72 total)
                                                               !#%&'()*+,-./0123456789<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~€‚ƒ£€ƒˆŠšŽ˜–—™š¢£§¨©°±²´¶·÷øπΩαβγδεκλμνορστυως•…‰′″Ω∞≈ç√†®©⁄€fifl ‡←↑→↓«»■▪▄▀█▓▒░◊♣♥♦☺☻►◄ ↕‼¶§▬↨↑↓→ø£åß ∫˜º≤≥÷♠♣♥♦★☆✔✘㏿ ﹩؛ًٌْ۝܍றἑὗ ᾶ՜ևהקשרבלועיז ןאתמצי�𐌲𐌿󴀸󴂬︵︶︹️𝒳𝒴𝒵ᵉʳˢᵗᵘᶅᶜḃḅṭṯɎɏӨөԱԲաֆߪ॰ॱताथाਅਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼༺༻🝀🝁 🔫🔬👮❤️😊😋 😎😘 👍👎 🙂 ☹️ ❗❕ ™ © ® ✖ ✔ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ #⃣ 0-9A-F \u00a0 \ud83d\ude80 \ud83c\udf3e ​`,1). The prices seem competitive compared with similar services available online making it worth considering if you’re interested in meeting new people online .
      2). Cancellation process is easy too , simply log into user dashboard > click cancel my subscription > follow instructions provided thereon> confirm cancellation request when prompted . Refunds may also be requested depending upon terms associated with particular payment method used while subscribing for Premium Account but usually no refunds are issued once purchase transaction gets completed successfully ..
      3). In conclusion , whether one needs Premium Account depends entirely upon individual requirements & preferences i guess ! If someone wants extra benefits then yes paying up makes sense otherwise not necessarily … So go ahead explore wild buddies without worrying about spending money unnecessarily !!

Help & Support

Wildbuddies.com is a social networking site that offers support to its users. There are several ways for members to access help and advice when they need it, ensuring everyone has the best possible experience on the platform.

The first way of accessing support is through Wildbuddies’ dedicated customer service page which can be found in their Help Centre section. Here you will find detailed information about all aspects of using Wildbuddies as well as contact details if you require further assistance from one of their friendly team members who are available 24/7 via email or phone call (UK only). Response times vary depending on how busy they are but generally speaking, queries should be answered within 48 hours at most – often much sooner than this!

Finally, there’s also an FAQs page where many commonly asked questions have already been answered so if your query falls into this category then it might save time by checking here first before contacting customer services directly with any additional enquiries or concerns you may have about using WildBuddies


1. Is Wildbuddies.com safe?

Wildbuddies.com is a website that provides an online dating service for people looking to meet new friends and potential romantic partners. While the site does its best to ensure safety, it’s important for users of Wildbuddies.com to take precautions when meeting someone they’ve connected with through the site in person or over video chat services like Skype or Zoom. The company encourages members not only use common sense but also follow their own instincts about whether something feels safe or not before engaging in any activity with another user from the platform, including sharing personal information such as home address and phone number until you feel comfortable doing so after getting acquainted with them better first on-site messaging system and/or via video calls if possible prior arranging physical meetings offline eventually down line later once trust has been established between both parties involved gradually overtime during interactions taking place within community space provided by WildBuddies dot com safely securely properly responsibly accordingly without hesitation nor reservations whatsoever at all times period end statement full stop

2. Is Wildbuddies.com a real dating site with real users?

Wildbuddies.com is a real dating site with real users, though it does not have the same reputation as some of the more established and well-known sites such as Match or eHarmony. The website claims to be one of the largest online social networks for singles looking to meet new people and make friends in their area. It has an active user base that ranges from casual daters to those seeking serious relationships, so there are plenty of opportunities for members who join Wildbuddies.com to find someone special among its many users around the world. In addition, they offer features like private messaging and video chat which allow you to get know potential dates better before deciding if you want take things further offline or even just stay online friends forever!

3. How to use Wildbuddies.com app?

Wildbuddies.com is an online dating and social networking app that allows users to meet new people in their area. The app has a variety of features designed to make it easy for users to find potential matches, chat with them, and even arrange dates or events together. To get started using Wildbuddies, you first need to create a profile by providing some basic information about yourself such as your age, gender identity/orientation preference (if applicable), location preferences etc., so the system can match you up with compatible singles nearby. Once your profile is created you can start browsing through other user profiles on the site or use the search function if there’s something specific that you are looking for in terms of interests or hobbies shared between two people; this will help narrow down your results significantly! You also have access to message boards where members discuss topics related specifically wildbuddy-related activities like parties & events taking place near them – great way stay connected while meeting new friends too! Finally once ready take things offline just hit ‘Chat Now’ button any user’s page initiate conversation right away without having wait around hoping someone else might reach out first – convenient & efficient indeed!

4. Is Wildbuddies.com free?

Wildbuddies.com is not a free service. The website does offer a free membership, but this only allows users to create their profile and browse the site for potential matches. If they want to take advantage of all the features that Wildbuddies has to offer, such as sending messages or using video chat, then they must upgrade their account by purchasing one of the available subscription plans.

5. Is Wildbuddies.com working and can you find someone there?

Wildbuddies.com is a dating website that has been around for quite some time, and it can be used to find someone special. The site allows users to create profiles, upload photos, search through other members’ profiles, send messages and even participate in chat rooms with other singles who are looking for the same thing as you – companionship or love! There are many success stories of people finding their perfect match on Wildbuddies.com so there’s definitely potential to meet someone special if you take the time to look around and get involved in conversations with others on the site.


To conclude, Wildbuddies.com is a great online dating platform for singles looking to find potential partners. The app has an easy-to-use design and offers excellent usability features that make it simple to navigate around the site and interact with other users. In terms of safety and security, Wildbuddies takes all necessary steps to ensure its members are protected from fraudsters or scammers while using the service. Furthermore, help & support services are available 24/7 in case any user needs assistance with their account or have questions about how the website works. Lastly, profile quality on this platform is quite good as most profiles contain enough information so you can get a better idea of who they really are before deciding whether you want to connect with them or not. All things considered, we believe that Wildbuddies provides one of the best online dating experiences out there today!

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Author Linda Harris

Linda Harris is a professional writer and the go-to person for reviews on dating sites and apps. With years of experience in the industry, she has a wealth of knowledge about the world of online dating. She's passionate about helping people find the perfect match, and her reviews are always honest and up-to-date. Linda prides herself on providing top-notch advice and information for singles looking for that special someone. If you're looking for the latest trends and insights into the world of online dating, Linda Harris is the one to turn to!